The Faraway
Concept: For my honors thesis project, an opportunity in the form of a fictional, multi-perspective story was cultivated; giving an inside glimpse into the daily ups-and-downs of those dealing with and/or suffering from depression, alcoholism and instances of suicide. The goal: to create and target an audience that may have been affected these stigmatized life occurrences and those who do not understand. To cultivate a conversation allowing people to ask why? How? What causes this to occur? To create an open door for communication where it would normally lack.
Do you feel grounded in your space, centered? Or so far removed that this question has no grounds in your current existence?
To be physically present and faraway in tandem allows an open void to grow. In this void communication and spirit fall, unable to be sent or received. How deep is it? Can the void be traveled? We judge what is not understood, open the door for understanding.
Description: Softcover. 6x9 inches (15x23 cm), 152 pages Economy Trade B&W Paper, matte finish.
Discipline: Publication / Creative writing
Target audience: Those interested in the subjects of suicide, depression and alcoholism.
Thesis Advisor: Professor Vince Samarco; S.V.S.U,
Date: 2020
Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign